Thursday, September 10, 2015

Playing Catch Up

This is kind of a long post, but when I got started I really had a lot to say!

Recently when I sat down to start scrapping again I came to the realization that I am five (!) years behind on my family scrapbooks.  We take a lot of photos of our life events so that translates to one heck of a lot of pictures that need to be scrapped.

I do scrap most of the photos we take.  The photos tell the story of our vacations, events, and our every day lives sometimes so I scrap those stories.  I weed out duplicates and blurry photos and the pictures that are just plain bad.  Maybe someday I will have to make a bad photo scrapbook.  Some of those "bad" ones are pretty funny.  Usually it's because of one of the dogs are sneaking in for a fabulous photobomb.

In order to get caught up I needed a plan.  "Without a plan there is no attack, with no attack there is no victory" - One Crazy Summer.  I love that movie!  Anyway, I have recently discovered the Project Life line of products by Becky Higgins.  I really love this method of scrapbooking.  What a time saver!  By using the pocket pages I can get more photos per page that I ever did with regular scrapbooking and the focus is on the pictures, not the embellishments.  I am truly having fun with scrapbooking again.

I searched Pinterest for ideas oh how to use Project Life to catch up on scrapbooking and came across a couple of wonderful blogs with some great ideas.

I found this amazing Project Life Catch Up Plan.  I immediately printed it out and got to work.

Here are just a few of the pages that I worked on... The to-do list...

and my favorite... The Why.  This page really helped me to refocus on why I love to scrapbook and why I should keep working on this as much as I can.  I need to get these memories in a book and out of my computer!!

I have the Why page hanging on the wall by my scrap table to help remind me when I start to lose focus,

I then organized the photos I already had printed.  There were over one thousand photos!  And that was only the beginning.  I still have many, many more photos on the computer that still need to be printed.  I really need a Snapfish deal so I can afford to do this!!

I spent a few days on my computer figuring out what I still need to print.  After two straight days of staring at my computer screen, I have over six thousand photos from the last five years that I need to scrap.  Oh.  My.  Gosh!!!!  That comes out to over a thousand a year.  I told you we take a lot of pictures.  Our vacations tend to take up a good portion of that number.

After all this organizing, counting, and planning, I knew I needed to come up with a deadline.  I hemmed and hawed about this for a little bit.  A shorter amount of time seems so daunting, but a longer amount of time might give me room to procrastinate.  Finally I just said "what the heck" and made a decision.  The deadline date for me to complete this awesome project is January 1, 2016. Yikes!  That is under four months!  It's a little scary.  Six thousand pictures in under four months?? 

I can't wait to get started!!  

I will keep you updated on my progress and a few of my pages from time to time as well.  Please check back and feel free to let me know how you are getting caught up on your scrapping too.

Thanks for stopping by!


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