Monday, March 31, 2014

Hallelujah...Spring Break!!!

I always look forward to spring break.  One week of no homework, no after school activities, no rushing to get three girls out the door in the mornings.  Woohoo!

The trouble starts after spring break is over and I really, really start to wish for summer vacation time to get here.  I swear I am like a kid waiting for summer and school to be over for two months.

I am hoping to spend this week taking some nice pictures of my recent crafty projects as well as knocking out a few projects I have already in the works.  My mind is just overflowing with new crafty ideas. It must be the beautiful weather we have had over the past two days.  This has been such a nasty winter, I am ready for hot, steamy summer weather.

But before I hunker down and work on those crafty projects (and cleaning up my very messy scrappy space) I plan to get out with the girls and the dogs for a bit and enjoy that sun.  I hope you have a day as pretty as we do today and that you can have a chance to get out and enjoy it.

Happy Spring!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

National Scrapbook Day

Believe it or not National Scrapbook Day is coming up on May 3.  I have always wanted to spend that day scrapping to celebrate but there was always something else going on.  Life just plain got in the way.  This year, though, I have blocked the day off on my calendar and for extra incentive I have signed up for the Big Picture Classes National Scrapbook Day 10k. 

 Click the link above to find out more information. 

I think this sounds like a lot of fun.  I can't wait for May 3!  I have a lot of pictures that need to get out of their storage box and into scrapbooks, hopefully I can make a lot of headway in this never-ending task. 

Happy Crafting!

*Disclaimer:  I do not benefit in any way by sharing this information.  I share it because I think it will be fun, interesting and a learning experience.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Where to Begin?

I hardly know where to begin this new adventure.  I"ll start by saying welcome to Army Wife, Crafty Life.  I want to let you know up front that I am not the greatest of writers.  An English teacher will probably cringe at my postings and I do apologize for that.  I am hopeful folks can see past that and just enjoy what I share and post on here.  I want this blog to be fun and entertaining as well as informative.  

As the name of my blog implies, I am an Army wife to a mostly great guy (he gets on my nerves from time to time, but let's face it, what husband doesn't?).  We have been married for close to nineteen years and have three pretty okay daughters (don't tell them I said this, but they really are great kids). We also have two crazy dogs who are just children with fur.  

I am also a crafty person.  I love to work on crafty projects and often have several different things going at once. It is my therapy and makes me happy (when it isn't making me want to tear my hair out because a project isn't turning out quite right).

My main focus for the past thirteen years (when not dealing with deployments, moves or random kid things) has been scrapbooking.  I have made thousands and thousands of scrapbook pages and have loved (almost) every minute of it.  The most important thing is that my kids like to sit down and randomly grab a scrapbook and look at how cute they were back when they were little.  Just kidding!  They are still cute...kinda.  

Cardmaking is right up there too. I recently started making cards for Operation Write Home and am about to ship out my first box of cards.  If you haven't heard of it, I encourage you to click the link and check it out.  It really is a great organization providing support to our troops.

Recently my friend and I learned to crochet.  I now have more dishcloths and scarves than I know what to do with (along with a large basket of yarn I have no idea what to do with).  I am also in love with Pinterest and often pin projects I will never ever make and then spend two days cleaning out all that stuff and finding things I actually will make.  Eventually.

Anyway, thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy my posts and come back to visit me again.  I love comments and look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Happy Crafting!
